Thursday, August 23, 2012


Well today was the day! We have known for about 3 weeks Finn was going to have yet another surgery on his head/brain. I just have not wanted to think about it at all. Well now it is all done and we are tucked in for the night after our 4th surgery with the ole brain surgery and 6 th surgery all together. So I shall make a post while I sit here. So as most of you know he had his "bubble" subgalial shunt which was suppose to last 35 days max. However Finn's lasted apparently a record breaking length of time! When we went for his last check up and MRI they decided that yes he needs a shunt permanently where they had at one time thought his body corrected itself and the bubble would just dry up. So today they had to go in and fix the permanent(VP) shunt so it would start doing the work instead of the bubble. Ugh the last thing I wanted to do after going so long with no issues. But After a long day we now are tucked into the room. Everything went great and even better than thought bc they didn't have to change his line or entire shunt so he only has head incisions. No neck or tummy!!! Going to have to either sport part of a Mohawk or the trump comb over might cover one half the mess! Finn hated all of his dangling attachments, and has ripped everything off including his head bandages so fingers crossed he goes to sleep and forgets about his iv!!! Amazingly Finn is up and playing right now. And I am actually wondering after a day of lots of sleeping how we will ever get him to sleep for the night! We are in the new Benjamin russell hospital which I can't even tell you how nice it is! We are lucky to have this place!!!! But nice as it is I'm still tapping my toes wondering how long til we can hit the road! They say after he eats breakfast and lunch so say a prayer for that and that he heals as beautifully as he has in the past! Pumping lots of antibiotics as we speak!! I will post some pics later from our day, I don't know how from the iPad be they are on my phone.

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